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Screen Blocl

Started by dougtheslug, August 18, 2024, 02:07:39 AM

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How do I prolong the time my desktop stays active(without screen block) I am using sparky  with open box, I've looked in the menu but can't find an option, I'd appreciate any help and even look past any sarcastic answer due to my ignorance on this subject.

Thank you and advance


Quote from: dougtheslug on August 18, 2024, 02:07:39 AMHow do I prolong the time my desktop stays active (without screen block) [....]

You can do this using XScreensaver:

  • Open a terminal and type xscreensaver-settings

  • In the 'Display Modes' tab at the bottom left:

    You have the 'Lock Screen After' section where you can modify / extend / cancel using the option you are interested in.

    Quote from: dougtheslug on August 18, 2024, 02:07:39 AMThank you and advance

    Cheers !!

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➤ Want to know how you can use a program you have never used before? "man" will be your best new friend! Type "man <pkg-name>" in a shell.
➤ Or, point your browser to "<pkg-name>" .... RTFM !!!

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