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Minimal-GUI - Passwords filling vertically [SOLVED]

Started by benny, May 12, 2024, 02:00:47 AM

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Trying to figure out what is causing the '*' censored passwords when accessing the APTus app center, or other such passwords, to fill out vertically in their panel as I type instead of horizontally. I might have altered something when doing some simple customizing to give the taskbar and windows a dark theme (sparky 7 dark mostly) that uses the built in open-console font but I can't figure out what would have caused this or if it was like that already. Still functional, it just looks strange. Thanks for any help!


I haven't heard of that before. I would probably try looking around at any language, input, keyboard, and/or font-related settings. Maybe also window manager settings and/or tweaks? You could also try to look to see if there are any settings (or other ways to configure) the authentication window. You could also see whether copy-pasting a password in the field gives the same result as typing it in. That's all I can think of.


Thanks duststuff, after more trial an error today I've figured out that for whatever reason 'Classic Console' font causes the issue when applied to 'Customise Look and Feel' (at any font size) but it seems fine when used everywhere else such as 'Panel Settings' and the 'Openbox Configuration Manager'.


You're welcome, Benny. It's an interesting case. Glad you got it figured out. Sometimes strange things happen and we have no idea why. :-)

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