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How to disable natural scrolling in XFCE

Started by cecca, May 22, 2024, 02:43:31 PM

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I've just reinstalled from scratch my Sparky with XFCE on an old MacBook Pro and I've quite configured everything as I wish. The only problem is with the touchpad: in the setting I'm trying to disable the natural scrolling (untick the relevant option) but I can't save this setting. As soon as I close the window the natural scrolling is there.
What can I do?
Thanks for any help you can give to me.


Have you googled to find an solution ...?



Yes, of course. I've tried using the XFCE configuration but without any effort.
I've found a post suggesting to use dconf-editor: nothing also with this editor.

As soon as I close the window after disabling the scroll I've found that my settings are not saved.
I haven't tried to connect a mouse in order to check if there will be some difference, but I dont think so.

At first I've tried using KDE (before starting from scratch with XFCE) and with this DM everything went fine.

The only drawbacks I've found on XFCE are this natural scrolling issue and the impossibility to remove the trash icon from the desktop (in this case no settings available to remove this icon)

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