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Sparkyy7 Upgrad No login

Started by Sparkling, May 14, 2024, 01:32:14 PM

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Sparky7; since last upgrade (last week) i stuck in the "LogIn" Screen
Even when i use the correct Login , i m still in the logIn Screen.


Even when i use "Last know working version", it will be the same: stuck in the logIn Screen

I prefer a 2repair" funktion (Pls. step by step, i am not used in terminal; and when it is poss in German; cause english is not my mother Langua)

Cause there are to many datas, which i cant transfer by other live-system to an external usb Stick

I duno wanna use sparky 8; cause 7 is fine for me/and the old hardware



I'm getting the same issue as him..


Start the system in recovery mode and then enter the command:

apt-get clean

Restart the system and see if the error is gone.


If this is a KDE version. This also happens in Debian proper. It seems that in the case of Debian, the SDDM login screen doesn't have a default theme selected after installation and then upgrading to trixie, which I think Sparky is based on. In a test environment, I did a clean install of Debian stable, made sure I had an SDDM theme selected in the Login Screen portion of System Settings, saved my changes, THEN I upgraded to trixie and the issue seems to have gone away.

Things I'm assuming:
1. You are using SDDM
2. This issue is related to trixie

I really should download and test this in a lab VM and report back.

Sorry, but I've never used Sparky Linux but I have seen signs that it's built on Debian Testing(trixie)

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