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Restarting after an upgrade

Started by grahamperrin, April 01, 2024, 07:15:43 PM

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After installing from sparkylinux-2024.02-x86_64-kde.iso I accepted a YAD invitation to upgrade. Pictured: 6.6.0-1 (the kernel, I guess), 5.6.1+really5.4.5-1 (CVE-related), and so on.

After closure of the SparkyTerminal window, OK YAD.

No prompt to restart the operating system, did I overlook something?


I have had the same experience on Sparky 7.x, but I haven't paid attention to whether a kernel update was involved or not. Other distros I've used will prompt for a restart if there's a kernel update. It could be that Sparky doesn't need this, or else the software update program doesn't think the prompt is necessary, not sure which. I guess you could also check if the software update program has any settings / configuration related to this in case you want to change the behavior. For my use cases, I usually shut down at least once a day, so this isn't really an issue for me, so I hadn't taken the time to look into what's happening and why.

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