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Double Commander installation

Started by lukand, December 07, 2023, 02:03:30 PM

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Is it possible to determine the reason why the installed softaware cannot be found in the main menu? Can it be related with the fact that the installed system is MATE of 7.1 level?


Quote from: lukand on December 07, 2023, 02:03:30 PMCan it be related with the fact that the installed system is MATE of 7.1 level?
Running MATE on SparkyLinux 7.2 (it will automatically update to it) with DC without any issues. Installed DC when Sparky was still at 7.0 using apt.

DC can be located with Menu/Accessories or quick-search

My usr/share/applications/doublecmd.desktop file contents is:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Double Commander
GenericName=File Manager
Comment=Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side.
Exec=doublecmd %F
Comment[ru]=Double Commander — это кроссплатформенный двухпанельный файловый менеджер с открытым кодом.

How did you install DC and in case you did not use the default available DC from sparky then which DC version and from which source did you obtain DC ?

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