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VLC 3.0.20

Started by sparky270, November 29, 2023, 06:10:36 PM

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I installed vlc 3.0.20 and version 3.0.18 is installed.


Bad package name or there is no version 3.0.20 in repository but you can compile vlc from source code.

Here guide: https://wiki.videolan.org/UnixCompile/
"Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together a success."-Henry Ford



sudo apt-get install git g++ make libtool automake autopoint pkg-config flex bison

Unpack .xz archive somewhere install libraries:

sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev libmad0-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev liba52-0.7.4-dev  libxcb1-dev libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-xv0-dev libx11-xcb-dev libgcrypt20-dev liblua5.2-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libssl-dev libxcb-randr0-dev

Navigate to folder in terminal  by cd example: cd vlc then write  ./configure

Last step is write  make.

If you want  install it write sudo make install.

And thats all.

I will also write how to install codecs to compile with vlc also fix this guide if there is a problem.

Reedition from: https://staff.itee.uq.edu.au/ksb/howto/vlc-howto.html

Few codecs was taken from: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Compiling%20MPlayer

You can also run without installing by write ./vlc

"Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together a success."-Henry Ford


Quote from: sparky270 on November 29, 2023, 06:10:36 PMI installed vlc 3.0.20 and version 3.0.18 is installed.

   What is the output of apt policy vlc and apt show vlc ... ???

Cheers !! 

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