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XSreenSaver: All Screen Saver /Demo /Package

Started by budking, October 04, 2023, 11:02:16 PM

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I am missing the Screen Saver List, completely.

If you want to have Screen Saver in the list you have to install a required packages.

I am founding the answer in the searching engine:
Quotesudo apt-get install xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl-extra xscreensaver-data-extra


I only like these ones, the others make me sick.
(Atlantis, Companion Cube, Discoball, Engine, Eruption, Fiber Lamp, Fireworkx, GL Blur, GL Matrix, GL Text, Lament, Lavalite, Lockward, Maze 3D, Molecule, Pipes, Pyro, XFlame, XMatrix)






Does anyone know how to do this?

(I'm following the guidance of Github 1.) - 4.) followed, , but under the tab "..." "Not Installed displayed).

Solved: File flying-toasters -> settings make file executable
Add "- GL: /usr/local/bin/flying-toasters \n\"
in /home/User$/.xscreensaver

I didn't find a solution for more "After Dark". But it would be great if you could add more.


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