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LongTime *nix veteran distibutions hops to Sparky

Started by ioniqflish8827, October 18, 2023, 06:55:35 AM

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Hello everyone my name is Chip.

I've been using Linux and other Unix like operating systems. I remember the first distribution that I used was pre-Red Hat enterprise Linux Red Hat back in the early to mid 2000s. I can also remember suffering threw having to be the "newbie" on the user forums of the distribution that I was using that week. I'll tell you that I did a whole heck of a lot of distribution hopping. I also remember that I took the hard and high road of starting my Linux journey by diving directly into the nuances of configuring a Samba file server which a coupled with the cups print server and to top that off I threw in the sshd so I could sit up in my bedroom and manage the server.

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