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[Issue closed] New Sparky User How transfer Sparky 7 from USB to HD?

Started by Dietmar, August 14, 2023, 06:55:45 PM

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Dear Sparky Fans,
I have tested Sparky 7 and installed it on an USB Stick. Here I tested the installation of programs I feel useful for me.
All installations are succesfull till to now. Not all tested yet, but if also the remaining part will work, I want to transfer Sparky from the USB to the normal HD.

Question: Is this recommended? If yes - some suggestion how to do this? Or is it necessary to do all steps again?
Thanks for your hints in this.
Best regards
Thanks in advance and best regards


Dear all,
please forget this post - of course it makes no sence.. My PC includes 2 HDD's and I must go the normal way of installation.
Sorry for inconvenience.
Thanks in advance and best regards

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