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Compositor for Xorg (Fvwm)

Started by rasat, June 16, 2023, 07:44:02 PM

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Some Window Managers have problems with the common compositors (Compton, Xcompmgr, etc.). For example, transparency and shadows don't work well in Fvwm. For those who want an elegant desk without losing resources and speed, Picom is an excellent choice.
Picom is a standalone compositor for Xorg, suitable for use with window managers that do not provide compositing. It has nice features, an easy configuration of Shadows, Fading, and Transparency/Opacity. Here is an experiment on Fvwm3 (click screenshot).

For more information, read here...


Forgot to mention, that Compton is no longer maintained and Picom replaced it. A chain of forks. Compton, a fork of Xcompmgr-dana, forked from Xcompmgr. On Fvwm, Xcompmgr does not do well causing a screen lag. Good to know Picom does the job. It's time to have an elegant Fvwm. :)

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