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Greetings from the US Pacific Northwest

Started by WetGeek, February 07, 2023, 12:44:46 PM

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Hi, I'm a retired software engineer from a part of the world where it's said to rain all the time, thus my user name (and my domain name as well).  I've been a happy Solus OS user for more than five years, but about three weeks ago it went dark.  No access to the forum, no access to the repositories, no way to get updates, and no idea what had happened.

Devil, over at the Siduction forum, told me that the Solus devs on Twitter were talking about a terrible accident of some kind that's taking them a long time to repair, but so far, that's all that I know about it.

While I was using Solus, I was the main contributor to a forum topic called "Other Interesting Distros," and wrote a lot of reviews of other interesting distros, based on VMs that I'd created.  Two that had impressed me were Siduction and Sparky, both Debian-based.

So, I've been using Siduction Plasma on my daily-driver laptop for about three weeks and found it a reasonable replacement for Solus when configured the same way, with the same applications installed.  And yesterday I installed Sparky 6.6 Plasma on another of my laptops, to give it a try for at least a while, and possibly much longer, if Solus never recovers.

I've discovered an inconvenient bug in Sparky that's annoying, but there's a workaround for it.  It would be off-topic to complain about it here in my introduction, so after I've figured out this forum a little better, I'll search for a fix, and if I can't find anything, I'll look for an appropriate topic and post it there.

Speaking of getting used to the forum, is there any reason why I'm typing with a fixed-font?  Is there any way to change it to proportional?  Thanks for any help with that!


Welcome to the forum and glad you found your way here!


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