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After updating Sparky xfce rolling

Started by BaukeP, January 25, 2023, 02:44:59 PM

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I got this message:

GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: An authentication agent already exists for the given subject

What is the problem? After OKE on the message nothing seems wrong. But I like to prevent it.



Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


1. Do you have any other desktop than Xfce installed?
2. Show me an output of the command:
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I get this:
lxde polkit is installed
lxde polkit is running, exiting...



Looks like you have lxpolkit and gnome-policykit preinstalled both.
You can remove lxpolkit and then reboot to let the second one started.
The Xfce desktop hes startup setting application which lets you disable lxpolkit on start up.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


This could be related to my issue as well.. I get:

gnome polkit is installed
gnome polkit is running, exiting...

I don't know how or when I installed gnome, I no longer have it on my system, or so I don't think I do... it could have been when I was trying out the Gnome based text editor "Gedit" because it was being used on the mobile linux phone OS platforms, but it doesn't yet do code folding.. or at least last time I tried it didn't, so I wasn't enthralled. I still have Gedit installed so I prob shouldn't uninstall my gnome polkit, not sure if it is causing my kernel errors during Sparky updates that I posted in another thread. But I've tried out so much software including ubuntu's snaps. I haven't a clue really.

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