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webcam drivers for sony vaio - r5u870

Started by Bob LC, January 20, 2023, 10:04:52 PM

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Bob LC

Hi there, I am a real newbie to linux and I am trying to revive my daughter's old laptop.

I have installed sparky 7 and am very happy with it but I can't get the webcam to work.

I have done some research and found some drivers on github and downloaded them but I can't see how to install them.

I have downloaded several but .... The files I have downloaded are r5u87x_0.2.1+r64+dfsg-oppa12.debian.tar.gz and r5u87x-firmware-0.2.0-18.a9b2171d762bfc36.x86-64.rpm and also ricoh-webcam-r5u870-2.6.24-16-generic_0.11.0-1_i386.deb

Can anyone explain to me please in simple terms what I need to do to get the webcam working. It did work on windows 7 and 10 but the laptop is now too slow to run 10. Apart from the webcam it seems to be working really well!

Thank you in advance for your advice.

Best wishes


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