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Some remarks and suggestions re: Sparky KDE

Started by Sadi, December 06, 2022, 03:22:25 PM

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I've recently begun using Sparky KDE as my primary OS instead of KDE neon, which has now become a secondary-backup system - both sharing the same /home partition without any problems, with only one minor exception: Bluetooth connections have to re-established, but doesn't worth it if you're not staying there for long.

It's interesting to see that the latest KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment can be enjoyed so well with Sparky KDE. Some things are even better, but there were also some that didn't work as well as in KDE neon out-of-the box (but I've quickly managed to fix them), although both are very minor.

I think the software packages that are installed by default in Sparky KDE can be reviewed, and some GNOME stuff can be safely excluded (e.g. gnome-themes-extra*) , and it seems there might be some KDE stuff that should better be included in the default installation (e.g. kde-config-plymouth, xsettings-kde etc.). I also had to use dconf-editor to make some GTK apps (e.g. bleachbit-root or even dconf-editor root) use the same icon and gtk theme as others.

So far, I haven't yet managed to include Firewall in my System Settings - probably I'll also be able to fix it by finding out that another KDE Plasma package is missing from the default installation of Sparky KDE.

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