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No access to synaptic, Aptus doest not work

Started by Regerwurm63, November 30, 2022, 07:21:08 PM

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Hi, after some grub issues, which were solved by the installation of Sparky 7.0 on one partition and keeping 6.5. on the other, 7.0 grants no access to synptic and Aptus opens but refuses installation or de-installation, therefore I even can't install localizations to libreoffice. My Plan was to save the stuff on the 6.5.-partition and work in the future with the rolling version. Is there a solution for my problem?


Are you sure your last upgrade went well?
sudo dpkg --configure -athen:
sudo sparky-upgradeand show me an output if any problem.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on November 30, 2022, 07:40:28 PMHi,
Are you sure your last upgrade went well?
sudo dpkg --configure -athen:
sudo sparky-upgradeand show me an output if any problem.

classical grup-probelm with spark this came after sudo dpkg --configure -aDer GRUB-Bootloader wurde zuvor auf einem Datenträger,     
 │ der nicht mehr im System vorhanden ist oder dessen         
 │ eindeutige Kennung aus irgendeinem Grund geändert           
 │ wurde, installiert. Es ist wichtig, sicherzustellen,       
 │ dass das installierte GRUB-Core-Image synchron mit den     
 │ GRUB-Modulen und grub.cfg bleibt. Bitte prüfen Sie         
 │ erneut, um sicherzustellen, dass GRUB auf die               
 │ entsprechenden Boot-Geräte geschrieben wird. 
Installed from ad DVD

Second comand 60 processes but the above blocked all after two processes. retried with DVD in computer all the same.

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