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Error during installation the latest sparky kernel

Started by rektal, June 15, 2022, 06:34:03 AM

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When I installing the latest sparky kernel 5.18.4-sparky-amd by APTus upgrade I see the info:
depracated future remake initrd.
After reboot grub can't see Windows system. I have Sparky and Windows systems installed on separate ssd drives.
I am currently using the kernel Debian 5.17.0-1-amd64.
How to fix it?
I have got this info too: Spectre v2 eIBRS with unprevileged eBPF, when I use sparky kernel.


I solved it. This was an os-prober issue.
os-prober has been disabled by default. I have to add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false to /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub.
But there is an other problem. My grub shows:
1:kernel 5.18.4-sparky-amd
2:kernel 5.17.0-1-amd64

I can login with the kernel 5.17.0-1-amd64 but I can't login with the kernel 5.18.4-sparky-amd.
I have info: nvme nvme1: globally duplicate IDs for nsid 1
I have to use an older kernel.


A new version of grub 2.06 changes made this.
grub2 (2.06-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Boot menu entries for other operating systems are no longer generated by
    default.  To re-enable this, set GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false in

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I have installed kernel 5.18.0-1-amd64 too but I can't log in. I have got only blue sparky wallpaper on screen with animation.
I have info: nvme nvme1: globally duplicate IDs for nsid 1.

I can login only with the kernel 5.17.0-1-amd64. But I read that Linux Kernel 5.17 reached end of life and I should install kernel 5.18.

Should I go back to previous version of grub2? Will this help in logging into the kernel 5.18?


I was able to login with kernel 5.18.0-1-amd64 but I still have an info: nvme nvme1: globally duplicate IDs for nsid 1.
But there is another problem. Fdisk and nvme list don't shown my second ssd drive with Windows. My grub shows Windows.
This is output of nvme list:
kernel 5.18.0-1-amd64
rektal@Sparky:~$ su
root@Sparky:/home/rektal# sudo nvme list
Node                  SN                   Model                                    Namespace Usage                      Format           FW Rev
--------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------- ---------------- --------
/dev/nvme1n1          GY5156205            SSDPR-PX500-512-80                       1         512,11  GB / 512,11  GB    512   B +  0 B   T1109B0L

kernel 5.17.0-1-amd64
rektal@Sparky:~$ su
root@Sparky:/home/rektal# sudo nvme list
Node                  SN                   Model                                    Namespace Usage                      Format           FW Rev
--------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------- ---------------- --------
/dev/nvme0n1          GY2091074            SSDPR-PX500-512-80                       1         512,11  GB / 512,11  GB    512   B +  0 B   T1109B0L
/dev/nvme1n1          GY5156205            SSDPR-PX500-512-80                       1         512,11  GB / 512,11  GB    512   B +  0 B   T1109B0L
How to fix it?

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