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Started by Nommo, August 20, 2022, 10:00:36 PM

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Search on Po Tolo NOMMO if you're curious.
I'm a 76 yr old semi geek on computers since they released the Commodore 64. I was then an Amiga guy for a few years until Commodore crashed, then a Mac 8500 guy, a bubble iMac, a Power Mac, then couldn't afford Jobs' OSX hardware, gave up on Apple when a relative gave me his Compaq tower in 2003,running XP. Happily a Windows 7 guy until my hardware broke and I bought a 2010 $149 REFURB Dell 9020 tower with WIN10 installed. I've adapted to Win10 but not happily, too intrusive. I've been Linux distro hopping for months now, and finally found Sparky, dual booting with W10. HAPPY AGAIN!


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