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SparkyLinux VS dvd burner

Started by Shisui2013, August 09, 2022, 10:40:32 AM

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I recently purchased an external DVD burner for my Sparky-running Lenovo T410, but it is not functioning. While the handbook makes no mention of Linux, the box claims that it is supported. Although I can't be sure, I believe the burner is the problem.

Although it detects the presence of my brand-new CD, it is unable to mount or open it. I tried a couple DVDs, but it is clear from the sounds that it keeps attempting ineffectively to read it.

youtube thumbnail download


I suggest this.

Open Menu

Go to System Tools

Open APTus AppCenter

enter password

click Multimedia

click Codecs

look for libdvd-pkg and libdvdread

click on libdvd-pkg icon and follow the prompts to install


click on libdvdread icon and follow the prompts to install

when finished close windows and restart your computer and see if the DVD player/burner works.

To play a DVD you may have to open VLC media player and under Media select Open Disc and then click Play.

Hope this helps.

I'm not a Linux guru only a Linux user.
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[Mark Twain]


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