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Not authorized to perform operation

Started by vance, May 21, 2022, 08:17:13 PM

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Pavroo, I'm not sure this will help you understand better what's going on or not.  I reinstalled Sparky & joined to the Active Directory using CID.  I also have to use a theme in SDDM that allows entering the username at login.  After doing all this & before I've been required to authenticate access to anything else I try to go into APTus AppCenter or into Synaptic Package Manager or any other program where authentication is required & regardless of whether I use the identity of vance or my original system user which is named sysadmin it doesn't allow me access to the program.  It doesn't even give me an error.  Instead it just takes me back to the desktop with no other action taken.  To gain access to those programs I have to use a terminal window & use "sudo synaptic-pkexec" for instance to go into Synaptic Package Manager.


Pavroo, with more research I have figured out something that I hope is helpful.  Using Synaptic Package Manager for testing I can go into /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.ubuntu.pkexec.synaptic.policy & change the values for <allow_any>, <allow_inactive> & <allow_active> from auth_admin to auth_self.  Before the change when the values are auth_admin Synaptic Package Manager will not start through the GUI.  I can start it through a terminal window using sudo though.  When I change the value in the .policy file to auth_self it still asks me for the password for authentication but of course it's my password although as I installed I told it to use the same password for root (sudo).  I don't know which .policy file I would need to change to make the automatic mount work though.
Another point I need clarification on.  The Sparky install uses PCManFM-Qt for the file manager.  Is that the same thing as what you mentioned above when you said pacman-qt?
Thanks for the continued help Pavroo


With a little more guessing I figured out which file it was.  I changed the org.sparky-fileopen.policy file the same way I did the synaptic file & that allowed me to mount the drive automatically in the file manager.  Is there documentation that tells what each of the 82 .policy files is for?


I spoke too soon.  I don't think that is the correct .policy file for mounting.


Pavroo, I walked away from sparkylinux-6.3-x86_64-lxqt & decided to try sparkylinux-2022.07-x86_64-xfce.  It works fine with the 2nd drive in the same configuration as I had before on sparkylinux-6.3-x86_64-lxqt.  I should also let you know I have tried this same configuration on Linux Lite, Q4OS & Debian Bullseye & others with no problem.  On another note, does the default sparkylinux-2022.07-x86_64-xfce have a file search function in it?
Thanks Pavroo!


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