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Started by ycom1, August 03, 2022, 06:22:58 PM

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I am submitting that Discourse grooves better as a forum platform. :-) However, I am not aware of the amount of work that would be needed to migrate.


Does Discourse content appear in google searches? I like forums because I can search for "how to reset lost password" and find something instead of having to ask the same question over and over (and people answer it over and over). Discourse always seemed more like the latter.


Quote from: ycom1 on August 03, 2022, 06:22:58 PMI am submitting that Discourse grooves better as a forum platform.

Are you kidding, or WTF ...???

Discourse is the worst option for setting up a forum. Because it's utter crappola.

Besides, what's wrong with Simple Machines forum software (what is being used now)?

➤ Want to know how you can use a program you have never used before? "man" will be your best new friend! Type "man <pkg-name>" in a shell.
➤ Or, point your browser to "manpages.debian.org/<pkg-name>" .... RTFM !!!


well that is reasoning

I understand your arguments
fully ( ironically meant )

I could list like 5+ reasons why
Discourse is great, but
but this was just a proposal
so take it as you like

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