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Pulseaudio merging input and output audio and sending it as input to application

Started by Netcat420, June 04, 2022, 05:41:28 AM

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So I have this issue where when I'm playing a game, say vrchat, or recording something in Firefox, my output audio is merged with my input audio. And it becomes really annoying especially when people mute me in-game for horrible mic echo. Is there any known way to fix this? I spent hours messing with alsa, and pulseaudio config files to no avail. It seems that the mic/headphone jack duplex is registered as only one device in pulseaudio if that makes any sense, because when I pipe the audio through my TV this issue doesn't occur, but when it's piped through my headphones it does occur, and I would rather play with my headphones because I don't want my family hearing me talk to people in-game


Just for clarification I'm using sparky linux 6.3 potolo and the latest sparky kernel at the time of writing (5.18.1) with an i5-4570 16gb ddr3 ram, and a gt 1030 gddr5 overclocked

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