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Install 32bit sparky on an EEEPC 900a (Atom N270), worked, now blinking cursor

Started by yotoprules, April 12, 2022, 07:18:45 PM

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I installed "sparkylinux-6.2-i686-lxqt" on my EEE PC 900a netbook. It worked fine, then it asked to do an upgrade. I said yes, I rebooted, and after the SparkyLinux splash screen, I get a blinking cursor.
I'd imagine it's an easy fix because, if I press CTRL + ALT + F2, then type "startx" it works without a problem. It just fails automatically starting it.

Intel Atom N270

Please LMK if you need any more info.


EDIT: It seems to be working now all of a sudden, unsure why though. I will edit this post if it happens again.


So the login manager did not start automatically?

If so, check is it still installed:
apt policy ssdmand its status:
systemctl status sddmand do you still have all lxqt dependencies installed via sparky meta:
apt policy sparky-desktop-lxqtand any problems with the last upgrade:
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt install -f
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