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Upgrade Disaster

Started by dhinds, March 10, 2022, 04:26:44 PM

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My main rolling Sparky Gui Minimal installation became unbootable after upgrading using Aptus Upgrade yesterday.

What corrective active should I take?



I'm downloading the latest Sparky Rescue


The first thing you can do is:
- launch Sparky from the hard drive in rescue mode, so you will be logged as root
- try to fix broken packages if any:
dpkg --configure -a
apt install -f

then reboot to try it out.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I'll do that now.

I know that there were broken packages, so it might work.

I have two different installations of Sparky on two separate hard drives and only upgraded one.  I'd like to be sure that the same thing doesn't occur on the other installation.


I did as you suggested but the problem persists

O upgrade, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded

On rebooting, I get failed to start display manager


In that case, I suggest to launch Sparky Rescue, then choose Sparky Chrooter app, which lets you choose your partition with Sparky installed on it.
So, you wiil get access to Sparky on a hard drive, then try to upgrade missing 8 apps:
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel



I am using Sparky Rescue now and just attempted to upgrade using the command sparky-upgrade

command not found

Is what I get

Everything Sparky seems to be gone and pure debian remained after the upgrade yesterday

Any other suggestions will be appreciated


The 8 apps not upgraded required older versions than what the upgrade provides

IOW - unresolvable broken apps


I am using apt-get upgrade plus the file name as the command because sparky-upgrade is not installed because the upgrade removed it and a lot more



I am using timeshift to save a copy of THIS installation of Sparky for the purpose of using it to replace the one that was destroyed during the upgrade yesterday

And hope that a solution will be found soon since I won't be able to upgrade until that happens.


It is not really possible to remove Sparky key tools just like that.
Did you do somenthing extra on your Sparky installation, means did you add any 3rd party repositories or installed any appliacations from 3rd party sites, not via APT, Synaptic or aPTus?
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel



I did nothing of that nature.

But as soon as the upgrade was over, none of my Sparky applications were available in the menus.


I can see something like that 1st time.
What I can suggest is:
1. launch Sparky Rescue again and the Sparky Chrooter
2. try to install missing sparky tools:
apt update
apt install sparky-desktop-openbox sparky-core sparky-upgrade sparky-aptus-appcenter

don't remember what else.

If the terminal shows any issue, copy all of it and post here.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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