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Remastering - Best Tools Ahead...

Started by SparkyStix, September 15, 2023, 10:49:33 PM

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Hey yall... Looking to remaster Sparky as well...?

Recently I've made about 10 remasters... XFCE-Sparks-4G Trinity-Sparks-4G and a beta Lumina desktop...

Eggs?.... Remastered Bodhi Linux with the Enlightenment Desktop all went well with Eggs on my latest Ubuntu22-Enlightenment-4G... Yet today, I am working on a Sparky-7-LXQT version, with Eggs failing... Thus all Sparky remastering so far is done with Systemback as the preferred tools for the job anyhow...

If there's interest in my Remastering efforts this far... There's new systems ready to go... Uploads and links will be made available on request...  Dark themes on all... Full featured, with all the latest updates... Any questions, feel free to ask anything... Lets get this inferno re-fired up... ;)


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