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[Solved] Updates to slow/changing the mirrors.

Started by keos, November 02, 2021, 05:36:52 PM

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Updates for me are being too slow (USA). How should be changed the mirrors in Sparky7? and,

What are the right ones in my case?.

Thank you very much.
Quad Core Intel Core i5-8265U Inspiron 3583
Model: 0WHCP7 UEFI: Dell v: 1.5.1   Xfce   MX-21  Sparky7


Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quad Core Intel Core i5-8265U Inspiron 3583
Model: 0WHCP7 UEFI: Dell v: 1.5.1   Xfce   MX-21  Sparky7


 :( i'm back again to the 'original repos' there was a retention of a packages: 'sparky apt' -- i did my best to resolve this situation following lots of advice i found on google but it was impossible for me to fix it  >:(
Quad Core Intel Core i5-8265U Inspiron 3583
Model: 0WHCP7 UEFI: Dell v: 1.5.1   Xfce   MX-21  Sparky7


I was able to change mirrors today!  :) :) :)
Quad Core Intel Core i5-8265U Inspiron 3583
Model: 0WHCP7 UEFI: Dell v: 1.5.1   Xfce   MX-21  Sparky7

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