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KDE - sparkylinux-2021.09-x86_64-kde.iso

Started by 21grams, September 19, 2021, 01:14:56 AM

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Latest rolling release.

Welcome screen on Desktop bootup still shows Sparky 6 Po Tolo as has been reported before.
Create new link to location still errors with : Could not find the program 'usr/bin/iceweasel'
21grams >> light in flight


Quote from: 21grams on September 19, 2021, 01:14:56 AM
Latest rolling release.
Create new link to location still errors with : Could not find the program 'usr/bin/iceweasel'
If you paste that command into Konsole, does it work?


No and I would not expect it to as iceweasel is not part of clean installs for many years.
The URL link created works in MATE latest rolling as it does with my 2016 sparky MATE install which had iceweasel as default browser (now FF 91.0.1). KDE neon and manjaro kde link correctly to default browser. EDIT: hmmm perhaps that might be what is needed to point correctly ; remove ESR and install latest firefox and see if link is corrected overriding the iceweasel instruction.
There will be a residual lurking somewhere - perhaps an infile search will discover that.
21grams >> light in flight


Link issue SOLVED.

~/.config/kdeglobals is the issue with links.
The browser application is set to /usr/bin/iceweasel
Changed to correct path of default browser and voila - link created to URL now opens.

Interesting to see appamour sanitised ubuntu iceweasel in an infile search. Perhaps iceweasel is still used.
21grams >> light in flight


It is an old KDE settings, updated now.
Anyway, added a fix to sparky-core which you get via regular update.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Need to apply the kdeglobals edit as the fix does not come through from /skel

Thanks for the welcome update.

Sparky-welcome on every boot. Maybe not following the if else ?
Edited #Exec=/usr/bin/sparky-welcome in /etc/xdg/autostart/sparky-welcome.desktop to stop.

Can apply a switch to turn off the welcome in that html?
21grams >> light in flight


Sent update of sparky-welcome to repos, upgrade it and let me know is ok now, please.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Unfortunately no.
Have reinstalled on new nvme to recheck due to many alterations to initial setup on same spec nvme (samsung 980 pro) and rebooted several times to no avail. Also checked in a VM on both.
21grams >> light in flight


Show me please (as regular user):
cat ~/.config/autostart/sparky-welcome.desktop
apt policy sparky-welcome
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


cat: /home/me/.config/autostart/sparky-welcome.desktop: No such file or directory
  Installed: 20210921~sparky7~0
  Candidate: 20210921~sparky7~0
  Version table:
*** 20210921~sparky7~0 1001
       1001 https://repo.sparkylinux.org orion/main amd64 Packages
       1001 https://repo.sparkylinux.org orion/main i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
21grams >> light in flight


It's clear now.

A next update landed in repos so upgrade it please.
Then relogin so the app will start anyway.

Then relogin second time, and the app should not start anymore.
Let me know is ok now please.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


 :) I should have seen that.

Sparky-Welcome sorted.

21grams >> light in flight


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