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Installing a Newer Version than Synaptic Offers

Started by kd4e, July 31, 2021, 05:31:10 AM

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Synaptic offers an old 2019 version of the radio programming app CHIRP.

The latest version is here:

Is the best practice to download the .gz package then to use gdebi to unpack and install it, please?



Please allow me to restate my question ...

If I install CHIRP (or fldigi, or any other app) from the Repository can I then update it/them directly?

[The Repository versions are old.]

Or, does someone have to update the Repository for me?




There is no deb package so if you don't want ot install it from Debian repos, use flatpak instead.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Thank you for your reply.

I'd not like to be dependent on nagging the Repository manager(s) for all of the niche apps I may want to use.

I don't see a Flatpak selection in Synaptic or APTus.

I'm not sure how to install CHIRP (or some other app) via Flatpak in SparkyLinux.

I'll keep notes so I don't ask my Newbie questions more than once.



Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Entered "Flathub" into the duckduckgo-enabled Firefox browser and it's right there.

Of course that only covers what's been added to the Flathub repository.

I'll have to see if there's an electronics/radio related repository that keeps apps not in Flathub up to date.



I tried to add this ...

"sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dansmith/chirp-snapshots"

Last line reads:

"aptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template for Sparky/Sid"

Is there a workaround, please?



You can't add ppa, it is for Ubuntu not for Debian.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


OK, understood.

One site lists their PPA version as Ubuntu/Debian.

The CHIRP site includes a Flatpak version so I guess that's the best way to get the most-current version?


(Does using a Flatpak mean that I have to manually update that app, because it's not in system-wide Repository-based update?)



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