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Started by cesiano, November 09, 2019, 11:54:05 AM

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Salute, in the last fantastic sparky Po Tolo does not work open-sankore, the blackboard of the poor. Wonderful interactive whiteboard. I tried to install libqtwebkit4 and libphonon4 as required by the package but it didn't start. Tips? Thanks

Packare open-sankore_2.5.1_amd64.deb


Hi. Where did you download this package from?
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works with debian 9 and all ubuntu derivatives. Thanks


I will look into it when I find some spare time. Most likely next week.
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"Absent in repositories"     None in Debian.  None in over 200 versions of linux. 

Po Tolo = Bullseye in Debian - Testing.  The elimination of qt4 in favour of qt5 has been ongoing for awhile. 

My hunch is that you would need it to work with qt5 or go back to stable or old-stable. 

Via wikipedia
QuoteOpen-Sankoré is a discontinued (unlike its fork) free and open-source interactive whiteboard software compatible with any projector and pointing device.

Open-Sankoré development stopped but the fork OpenBoard remains active.

I recommend a search of debian package openboard


Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


OpenBoard works fine, which has been my major whiteboard app for years.   it can be shared the project team so others can see & respond to the writings/notes. I'm using OpenBoard on Linux OS with a XP-Pen ( https://www.xp-pen.com ) Digital writing drawing Tablet. You can draw or write with a mouse, but a tablet is much easier and more natural feeling.


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