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Linkage: Direct link to the open office .deb

Started by Murdock2525, January 03, 2021, 07:33:23 PM

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I want to try Sparky's build on ....on.... deepin os without the hassle. Do-able ?


From a mere hobbyist who does keep his eye out for the new things,  that would appear to be "a bridge waaaay toooo far."    Every development in coding, programs, suites, DE's OSes has a reason to be, a "raison d'être."   Things are built up. 

I did rejoice at Sparky's ease of automatically installing the non-free components.   Sparky's adding specific, very specific repositories from the get go that would aid specific interests in things that Debian would not embrace - but did not create a FrankenDebian monster to me appeared to be elegant.   To my untrained eyes the low level GUI's for updating and upgrading (aptus) appeared to be lean, easily understood and more important, very unlikely to cause errors. 

Deepin, which I have never tried of and the Deepin DE might not be as intertwined as the Enlightenment DE.  However, Deepin might almost resemble immunology, it appears to be almost an organic whole.   It all fits together.   Since, like Ubuntu it has Debian roots the various ways I might look at it to examine it would be in a virtual environment, as a fresh install in a new SSD, or as in install in something like ArchLinux.   

Things are built up.  To add the Sparky repos to a Deepin install would not add much.   And to add the Deepin DE to Sparky would be quite a leap. 


QuoteThis new version is based on Debian 10.6 and uses Linux kernel 5.8.

Seriously, they are serious, they have put a 5.8 kernel into their stable version.   

I strongly encourage people to take various things out for a test drive, but for Deepin  I would go for a total immersion.   

Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


I added the openoffice in etc/apt and added the gpg keys I thought were correct. Lil lost now. I added the sparky stuff to apt too

GPG error: https://newcontinuum.dl.sourceforge.net/project/apacheoo-deb/debian testing Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 270309EB90127F5BThe repository 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/apacheoo-deb/debian testing Release' is not signed.


Since the packages from this repository are digitally signed, to perform the installation process you will need to add our public gnupg key to the APT keys database as follows, via terminal:

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 270309EB90127F5B

command not found


APTus/APTus AppCenter does the job and lets you install OpenOffice automatically
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Key problem. No link to a plain old fashioned .deb package



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