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Pepperflashplugin-nonfree Doesnt Stop Installing

Started by Cguckle, January 06, 2021, 10:58:08 PM

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Hello Everyone,
I have a very similar situation with the person in this link

Rİght after I booted SparkyLinux to my computer, I decided to switch to Opera Browser from APTus. When instaling Opera, it stuck at downloading pepperflashplugin-nonfree 1.8.4 but never  accomplished. I tried many things and commands along with downloading the plugin from browser (the same version) but nothing really works and both my APTus and Synaptic are useless now.

Is my only option booting the entire system from the beginning with the USB?

I  really am a newbie at linux OS' and only using it because my pc is very low end. So I really need help.

Thank you all

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