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Tips for pavroo - X-Apps’ (Pix, Xed, Xplayer, Xreader, Xviewer)

Started by pigeonskiller, November 14, 2020, 12:47:04 PM

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Hi pavroo,

thanks for lazpaint.

How about even integrating X-Apps that is Pix, Xed, Xplayer, Xreader and Xviewer?

X-Apps are a bunch of GTK3 DE-agnostic applications that are not so tightly tied to a particular distribution or DE and include:

pix – image management application based on gThumb,
xed – text editor based on Pluma,
xplayer – media player based on Totem,
xviewer – image viewer based on Eye of GNOME,
xreader – document reader based on Atril

If you need some more informations, you may find them here:

And there's also a repository for Ubuntu here:



I absolutely love those simple yet brilliant little applications. There is a wonderful Archive manager app that I often use and it unzip all manner of files probably quicker than a modern file archiver.
I have always been a huge fan of many of the Rox apps too, they are wonderful, especially the Rox-Filer.

Great suggestions I 'd say.


Quote from: pigeonskiller on November 14, 2020, 12:47:04 PMpix – image management application based on gThumb,

I tried building this from github on sparky 6.7.... I had to give up because it requires a newer version of `xapp`  Perhaps someone could build this app into a snap or flatpack for me? 

Just because lximage-qt doesn't do cropping.  (I use LXQqt)

ok I installed tacentview from snap
snap run tacentview $somefile  seems to work ok


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