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Sparky Deepin SOLVED

Started by BaukeP, November 11, 2020, 03:36:39 PM

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"inxi -b"   even if via another distro would be a way of saying (TIA )Thanks In Advance to the forum.   And - since we are not mind readers - Stable or Rolling-Testing  ; advanced or normal install ; graphical vs curses;    At what point did the install fail.   Are other DE's or WM's installable.   

Which version of Deepin DDE is attempted?   20?

And there is the issue of some DE's (Desktop Environments) are so tailor made that it often is easier to use their own downloads.    Enlightenment DE comes to mind.   And if you wish to add some "Sparky sauce" to your "menu" - well /etc/apt/sources.list.d   is easily added to.   

Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


Sorry. I'm trying the newest (sparkylinux-2020.09-x86_64-minimalgui.iso) and aptus, but I see no option for installing Deepin.

Regards, Bauke


Deepin has been removed from Sparky config time ago, not compatible with Sparky 5 and 6.
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