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Started by logomage, October 19, 2020, 11:40:37 PM

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I'm a newbie to SparkyLinux but not to Linux generally, and am trying to create my own wallpaper/background, for which it would be incredibly useful if I could ascertain which font is used for the name SPARKYLINUX in the logo, as it appears at the top of this webpage for example.

Can anyone help please?

... I've searched ad nauseum but can't find any info on this - I promise to share the results of whatever I make, and thank you!


... I think I've found the answer by doing a special font typeface search - it appears I believe to be a font called Pirulen by Typodermic dating it would seem from about 2005.


Yes, it's Pirulen.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


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