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nvidia module issues

Started by george.beeson, October 24, 2020, 04:22:27 PM

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dkms build of nvidia kernel module fails for kernels >5.8.x
Additional details: Potolo  graphics card is Quadro 2200
x86_64 kernel 5.8.0-3 works nvidia dkms OK


There has been some talk on Siduction about those fails on 5.9   Nividia  is an acquired taste.   peace out
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I have several desktops with NVIDIA C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] integrated graphics adapters and very few if any Linux distros work successfully without crashing although the opensource nouveau graphics driver works most of the time.

The NVIDIA proprietary driver that is needed seems to be unavailable these days and when available the NVIDIA proprietary driver seems to have dependencies issues / problems with the newer kernels and just will not work. :(

The only two Linux distros that seem to work successfully is Antix Linux and SparkyLinux LXQT. 8) ; :)

I'm glad that these two Linux distros work because I'm old and poor and can't afford to buy a new high powered super computer however what I have works good enough for what I use my computer for.  8) :)
Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.
[Mark Twain]



QuoteNVIDIA sent out an advisory to their customers on Friday that they don't expect to have Linux 5.9 kernel support in their proprietary graphics driver until mid-November, or about one month after the kernel was released as stable.
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