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Not so Common Desktop Environment (NsCDE)

Started by dksolarium, June 12, 2020, 07:18:11 PM

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Hi everybody!

a few months ago i did a research on CDE desktop and i've found a "fork" of this old UNIX desktop which seems to be more modern, just take a look, it's awesome!!!


My question:
is there a chance of implementing this desktop on Sparky Linux?

thanks in advance! :-)


1995 called and they want their UI back!. Seriously, It looks okay. Different strokes for different folks.



Quote from: 8bit on June 12, 2020, 08:55:05 PM
1995 called and they want their UI back!. Seriously, It looks okay. Different strokes for different folks.


i love CDE and Motif-based desktops! 1995 is back! :-)


Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


I was searching for distros having NsCDE and CDE packages, found Sparky. This thread is a bit old but interested in NsCDE. I am FVWM user and have made many user extensions (configs) that give new features and functionalities. With the new myExt 3, I did a test run on NsCDE on MX Linux, works fine. Speaking about a modern look, this it is.

Next is to test on CDE that Sparky is providing.

What's myExt, recent preview video:


Sparky's NsCDE package is not compatible with Fvwm3 but 2.6.8 and there is no Fvwm3. Installed my own fvwm3_1.0.4-120-1_amd64.deb and nscde_2.02-1_amd64.deb. Both packages work fine.

Took a look at CDE, surprisingly light and fast compared to NsCDE. Noticed that CDE is not based on Fvwm but still it provided a good look at what's CDE is. The color setting is simpler and better than NsCDE. I have reported this to NsCDE git.

Noticed that this is the "Suggestions" forum, so Fvwm3 and an updated NsCDE are suggested.

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