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rsync support?

Started by xingjiapeng, May 06, 2020, 02:37:30 PM

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Does Sparky support rsync service?
Because the Sparky repo is quite slow in China, so I created an issue for Tsinghua Open Source Mirror.
Here's the issue:
They need rsync for there sync


I am not able to help, but WOW.    47 repositories at TUNA.  I glanced at Tunasync, I am just a hobbyist, but well laid out.

Obviously you know all about when to trail ( "/" )   and when not to in rsync.  To expand on your request, it is about using rsync to set up a mirror of sparky  - or am I wrong.  Best wishes from me if you are.  I just answer easy questions here. 
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


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