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SOLVED: getcwd, leafpad, vi

Started by pccobbler, February 17, 2020, 11:06:27 PM

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I just built a minimal (Openbox) system. I realize that Openbox is not Cinnamon, KDE, or MATE, but there were three things I found strange:

1) During the first update, the error mesage "getcwd() failed" appeared many times. WTF?

2) Leafpad, my favorite minimalist text editor, was not available. I thought this was strange given that it's available in pretty much every distribution. Is it available?

3) I've used vi since my days with Unix. I depend upon it in terminals and consoles. It wasn't included. Just for laughs I tried "apt install vi" but that did not work. I thought it was standard in all Linux flavors. build-essential was already installed, so that's not a solution. Why isn't it included?


1). https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/477872/error-sh-0-getcwd-failed-no-such-file-or-directory-when-i-try-to-upgrade-de/477938

2)Leafpad is based on GTK2 liberties, and GTK2 libs have been abandoned. Try mousepad instead.

3)try sudo apt install vim
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Thanks for the reply.

1) From that link: "The error code is obvious: someone removed your current working directory" That's strange, given that this is a new installation.

2) I should have remembered that Leafpad comes from the dinosaur LXDE, with LXQt taking its place. I suppose LXTerminal is also extinct, though it is present in Sparky minimal.

3) I'll remember this one.


QuoteFrom that link: "The error code is obvious: someone removed your current working directory" That's strange, given that this is a new installation.
I install sparky quite often and I never seen this specific error code. My guts tell me you messed up something. Despite that I will look into it. Feed my with more details so I could try to reproduce this issue.

QuoteI suppose LXTerminal is also extinct
On the contrary, lxterminal is breathing and kicking. Someone ported it to GTK3
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I use lxterminal in wayand, - Sway in Sid.   Also available in my several years old sparky lxqt. 

I can confirm  that leafpad locked up my old sparky lxqt yesterday.  reminds me I have to ssh in to fix.   I will remove it, it was nice and light, but I will say goodbye.
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


"I install sparky quite often and I never seen this specific error code."

Sorry, I should have copied the output from Sparky's update, but I was in a hurry to see if Budgie could be installed. It was quite strange, as the error message repeated at least twenty times. I'm going to reinstall Sparky-minimal in a few days, on a USB flash drive, so if the error shows up again, I will post it. The errors appeared in the very first auto-update, before I installed any software or modified anything. One thing that's possible is that the external enclosure I used is my worst one, meaning that I believe the controller has occasional USB or SATA errors. I use it only to test distributions. I should probably buy a new one.


I found this post by searching for lxterminal....one of my fav.

I noticed that a moderator, lami07 has suggested vim (a terminal editor)  as an alternative. Can I suggest nano it easier to use?

nano /tmp/test
# type something
# press Ctrl + o  (o to over-write).......saves your typing
# press enter (You will see your  new file name at the bottom of the terminal
# press Ctrl + x ( eXit) ........................to go back to empty prompt line

combined screenshot shows filename to write to
and second box shows you do not even need to remember x or o
vim IMHO is much harder.....and involves the use of : which is needs a shift key to input.

my 2 cents worth.


@aus9. If you slow down for a moment and carefully read this thread you surely will realize that my mentioning vim was just a tip for OP's trouble with installation his editor of choice - vi. It was not a recommendation.

My personal editor of choice is nano.
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