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obmenu-generator removed

Started by pavroo, October 13, 2019, 11:56:34 AM

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Today's Perl upgrade from 5.28 to 5.30 removes libgtk2-perl and -> obmenu-generator from Openbox edition of the rolling/testing line.
It automatically convers obmenu-generator menu to the Debian's default menu.
I will preper other pipe menu as I already did at Sparky arm edition, stay tuned.
Stable installation is safe, no Perl upgrading, no changes.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


A fix is done: 'sparky-obmenu' package installs 'obmenu' and sets the new menu automatically for user 1000 (the default one).
Let me know if you find any problem, please.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


obmenu-generator 0.86 released today with gtk3 support so will try to package it.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


What do you think of obamenu?  http://rmoe.anukis.de/obamenu.html

Just found Sparky Linux MinimalGUI a couple of days ago and am having a great time with it.

Suggest the Name field of thunar-settings.desktop be changed from File Manager  to File Manager Settings.

Really enjoying your fine work, thanks so much.



Updated sparky-dashboard to only show the applications I use regularly, and changed it to single column, which is quicker to read than full screen (think newspaper columns) and moved it over to the left. Because I can :-)


# The Sparky dashboard displays installed applications
#    into yad based window.
# Created by Paweł "pavroo" Pijanowski 2018/05/09
# Copyright 2018 under the GNU GPL2 License
# Last updated 2018/05/17
# Modified 2019/02/11 Al Anger

if [ -d /tmp/sparky-dash ]; then
rm -rf /tmp/sparky-dash
mkdir /tmp/sparky-dash
cp -a /usr/share/applications/*.desktop /tmp/sparky-dash/
cd /tmp/sparky-dash
EXCLUDE=`find * -type f -exec grep -l 'NoDisplay=true' {} \;`
rm -f $EXCLUDE
EXCLUDE_NotMine=`find * -type f -exec grep -l 'NotMine=true' {} \;`
rm -f $EXCLUDE_NotMine

yad --icons --read-dir=/tmp/sparky-dash --monitor --item-width=100\
--sort-by-name --left --undecorated --skip-taskbar --borders=20\
--button="Cancel!gtk-cancel":1 --buttons-layout=center --width=230\

rm -rf /tmp/sparky-dash
exit 0


Nice work on the new menu in SL Rolling MinimalGUI. I DownLoaded today.  2019/11/05




If there's anyone left in here who breaths air, I just want to say,
Sparky Linux MinimalGUI Rolling is getting better every time I DL it.
Thank You!



Quote from: 8bit on November 06, 2019, 09:33:40 PM
If there's anyone left in here who breaths air ...

Occasionally surface to read the forums, engulfing as much O2 as 1 can.

Quote from: 8bit on November 06, 2019, 09:33:40 PM
... Sparky Linux MinimalGUI Rolling is getting better every time I DL it.
Thank You!


Cheers to that.
21grams >> light in flight

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