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gdebi in debian buster

Started by penguin, September 03, 2019, 07:40:29 PM

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Seems that gdebi problem for Debian Buster is resolved in SolydKX (patched by them)

find discussion under this thread

Please pavroo have a look as follow


and repositories


I have tried and seems working. ( Before installing this patched version I removed gdebi that comes with Sparky. Removal needed some tricks because asks to remove Sparky-aptus and Sparky-tray packages)

In Sparky 5.8 XFCE (the Device Driver Manager in XCFE settings, gives the follow error).


Moved GDebi from SolydXK to Sparky repos now.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on September 03, 2019, 10:29:54 PM
Moved GDebi from SolydXK to Sparky repos now.

Great pavroo.

Please investigate also DDM issue. This package also comes in Sparky Linux from SolydKX.

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