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apt-get window (aptus) blank

Started by boxemall, March 29, 2019, 11:47:22 AM

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hi all. i searched this forum but couldn't find any hint so far. i switched the lxqt theme and ever since the apt-get window that pops up when installing via aptus is blank. now i can't see what's going on anymore. usually you can see what the system is doing or progress even. now it's just blank and sometimes it feels like the process just froze but i don't get any information out of it. is there a way to get the black background back? mind you switching back to the standard theme did not help.


Edit: is there a way to fully reset the system without the need to reinstall?


uh, I think you're talking about the white "xterm" window that comes up after rebooting?  it's probably a .Xresources fix for the ???? user.    I'm just ignoring the white window since I don't consider it to be a real bug.  heheeheh.   :)


no i'm talking bout the window that comes up after u click install (when installing via aptus). it opens a cmd window so u can see what happens in the process.



It depends what terminal emulator, supported by sparky tools you have installed.
It checks and uses emulators in this order: urxvt, tilda, xterm then a default x-terminal emulator.
So what do you have installed? All?
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


sparky-xterm 0.2.5 provides a fix for that.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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