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Problems with install in Intel Atom

Started by lposantos, March 08, 2019, 02:14:14 PM

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My name is Luiz, I have an Intel tablet PC come with Win10. (EFI/UEFI)
In the BIOS of this machine THERE IS NOT the Lagacy option. This computer is projected to run only Win10.
After a war I got how to remove Win10, and now I am trying to install Sparky.
I got to install sucessfully an old version of SparkyLinux. That works nice, but does not recognized wifi.
Now, the last version of Sparky Linux recognized everything (wifi+soundcard), but the installations does not complete.
Occur an error with grub.
The installations files are in the internal SSD. Only the boot manager does not works.
The computer does not do the boot.
The pics are below.
Could some one to help me?

(I am not sure, maybe some command in command line can to solve this).

The installation pendrive, on the fly Sparky has wifi access.



The first thing is about your machine efi - computer makers implement it in a little different way.
The second one is about Calamares - it has its own way to install grub-efi.

I suggest to try to install sparky again using Advanced Installer
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel

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