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External monitor with laptop LCD off problems

Started by psyentologist, January 20, 2019, 02:04:00 AM

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Hi y'all - I just installed SparkyLinux 5.6.1 Game Over edition and I am having some frustrating issues when trying to maintain using my external monitor while ensuring my Laptop LCD stays off. I go to the monitor settings and select the desired option, I apply it, and then save it.  Whenever I have to reset my computer everything reverts back to the original configuration. (I have a broken laptop screen hence I need to run off an external monitor) It's very frustrating. And on top of all this, the wallpaper in the background is clipped about half way off. It looks like it was intended to be displayed between both LCDs and only shows part of it on one. I tried to go to the LightDM GTK+Greeter settings and attempted to change it there but it is ineffective.

I am optimistic I'll eventually figure out a resolution to these issues and maybe someone else on here can help me fix things quicker.

Thanks y'all!! <3,


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