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Best Screen Settings For A Sationary Laptop?

Started by zandoval, November 27, 2018, 04:17:58 PM

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Most laptops that I use are in a stationary setting. That is they are not transported anywhere. I have noticed that even with my xscreen saver set to "Blank" that the screen is still kinda glowing and warm.

So... What are the best screen settings for a stationary lap top that's mostly never fully shut down?

Just wanna check with you'se guys before I start digging in...
No mater where your at... There you are.


Unfortunately I am not on my Sparky laptop at present so I cant give you exact instructions but you should be able to set the screen to go to sleep with the aid of the power manager, set it so that say after 30 minutes of inactivity it turns the screen off. It what I do on my desktop machine (not running Sparky on that) and that PC runs 24\7


Been trying a few things. First off this is Sparky on a Dell Lattitude E5530.

Closing the laptop lid did not do anything at all. But, this lids hinges and screen have been rebuilt after a major crash so that may be the reason the screen stays partially bright even when set to Blank Screen and to switch Off when closed.

I was able to get the screen totally dark after setting for Switch Off after 10 min and that works fine.

Menu> Preferences> Power Manager> Laptop Lid Switch Off Display
                                 > Display> Handle Display Management Chk
                                 > Switch Off After 10 min

I am still interested in what others set their Laptop screens settings to and why. As I said, I am mostly a desktop guy.
No mater where your at... There you are.


1  What is your DE? 
2.  What have you researched on web.  The answers will most likely be common to all linux distros. 
Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


Quote from: zandoval on November 29, 2018, 07:57:02 AM
Menu> Preferences> Power Manager> Laptop Lid Switch Off Display
                                 > Display> Handle Display Management Chk
                                 > Switch Off After 10 min

That's basically the way to do it. Screensavers don't turn off the display (cover up - yes, turn off - no), but power management does. Normally there should be a setting of what to do, when the laptop lid is closed (sometimes for different profiles, like when on battery or when on an AC adapter), but these options vary from DE to DE.
There's no such thing as "impossible". :)


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