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How to download sparkylinux xfce4 iso?

Started by Loyalty, October 26, 2018, 04:36:07 AM

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Hello Community,
I'm trying to move from Arch to Sparkinglinux rolling. But I want xfce as my DE of choice I don't see any xfce version I only saw lxqt.

Please how can I set up xfce with sparkylinux for an installation?

Your help are much appreciated.


Hello Loyalty

You are correct. There is no Sparky xfce edition. But there are ways to install xfce desktop environment on Sparky system.

1) the easy way would be to install Sparky MinimalGUI edition, using calamares installer. And then to add xfce DE through aptus.

2) the bit more complicated way would be to install Sparky through advanced installer. This requires some manual labour, but gives opportunity to install xfce directly. Both minimal editions (GUI and CLI) are equipped with advanced installer.
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