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System update on startup Sparkylinux-5.4-x86_64-gameover problems

Started by mcabel, August 09, 2018, 06:14:58 PM

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Hi. I installed Spakylinux-5.4-x86_64-gameover on an SD card. I am able to load linux by changing the devices boot order in the bios. When I boot for the first time, the system request to do an update. When I do, it says that initramfs.conf has been modified, and if I want to install an updated version.(I'm not sure what is this for and the consequences of not updating). When I do the update, it gives me a kernel panic and I'm not able to log in any more.

Will not updating cause me any problems in the future? What can I do to use my sd card linux normally without problems. (This is a persistent install not a live install)


Not upgading using a new config version could make such problem.
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