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#2 of 2: Desktop typography

Started by niftyprose, May 17, 2018, 10:39:41 AM

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Hi guys, the second of my two first posts. I'm new to Sparky but not to Linux.

I got my installation up and running last night -- very easy, and very good-looking too. I'm impressed, except for the desktop clock, which is in a clumsy-looking heavy black text with a drop shadow. I found the setting to change the format used to display the time, but nothing that would affect the typography. I guess it's somewhere deep in the menus?

I'm running 4.8 (Debian stable, Openbox) on an Asus E200H.

Many thanks,



There is no way to change the clock output look (just color) but you can change the clock plugin to other one, which looks a little different.
Edit hidden file in your home dir:
and change settings of the:
# Digital Clock
type = dclock
type = tclock
Save the file and relogin to take effects.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Thanks, Pavroo. tclock is *much* nicer. Best, NP

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