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Black Screen after installation / during installation

Started by Rym, May 12, 2018, 07:34:15 PM

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Hello. After I booted Sparky 4.7 LXDE with the USB I was at the meny where I could choose between multiple things, normal sparky, failsafe, memtest etc

The first option brought me to a black screen with my monitor saying "NO SIGNAL DETECTED"

The second option "Failsafe" forced it to boot where I could access the installer and as such I installed sparky alongside my windows 10, leaving the installer to create it's own partition for sparky while not formatting my disk.

The installation was successful, and I am given the choice to boot into Sparky or Windows 10, whenever I choose to boot into sparky I am met with a black screen and NO SIGNAL DETECTED error, my Keyboard and Mouse both work correctly.

Edit: Ahem, my GPU is a GTX 970 if it's any help. Motherboard is AsRock Z87 Extreme3 if it's of any troubleshooting help.

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