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How do I know if Sparky will recognize my video card?

Started by LAPIII, May 03, 2018, 05:58:29 PM

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It's an XFX Radeon 460 4 GB Single Slot and I'm going to install it on many's Sparky mini.


Not a whole lot of information.

What are you going to stick Sparky on -  Empty computer built for you,  Laptop desktop?  Is Window on it  want to dual boot. 

?many's?   A stab in the dark, a mini-itx that would like a card like that?

What is your computer competency? can you handle the command line, linux experience? 

https://wiki.debian.org/AtiHowTo   Focus on AMDGPU

https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu   Big difference between stable and testing (4.x versus 5.x in Sparky.

elsewhere Newer kernels starting from 4.7 include the new AMDGPU drivers that support the newest AMD GPUs, including the RX 460. Try updating to the latest kernel (4.8/4.9) and try again, things should work much better then. 

If you have a computer with an empty hard drive and want to try sparky on it, it won't kill the graphics card if it doesn't work.  My hunch is that running sparky 5 version might work well with the debian binary


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Search forum for "More info easier via inxi"    If requested -  no inxi, no help for you by  me.


If you have downloaded Sparky from the official website and burned it to a DVD (or usb-drive) it is a "Live" copy.  This means that you can insert it into your computer and, as long as you modify your computer to boot from the DVD (or usb), you will be able to run Sparky as it if was installed.  It will be slower than if it had been installed to your hard drive but in all other respects there should be no difference.  If it runs successfully as a "Live" distribution, there is a very good chance the same will happen if you choose to install it.
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