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[SOLVED]LXDE Desktop/install over XCFE desktop

Started by penguin, April 08, 2018, 09:16:24 AM

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QuoteFuture direction of Sparky
NEWS7 APR, 20181
It took really long, but finelly I made my mind about the future of Sparky.
Don't think it showed up suddenly, yesterday or so, not really.

To make this decision, I spoke with our community members via community sites, forums, made a few polls, and individual talks as well. I made many, many tests, chacking different configurations and settings many times too. So nothing happend just like that, couse I woke up today morning having a new idea. Not really...

The fact is, I spend much time building and testing Sparky iso images, but the number of iso is too big and doesn't let me focus on all of them as I want.
At the other hand, the work around Sparky takes much, and much time every next week and every next month. Much time I also spend building/rebuilding new versions of offered via repository packages and creating new ones or implementing new features.

The idea of creating Sparky was quite simple: it has to be lightweight, fast, powerfull and fully customizable. It means no heavy desktops, no fireworks, no useless things.

To do so, I have to cut the iso number down and focus on a one, main point of Sparky view/core. The point was and still is Openbox.

So, to conclude and make it clean and straight:
1. From now, only one main, Openbox based desktop: LXQt (rolling) or LXDE (stable)
2. MinimalGUI (Openbox)/MinimalCLI (text based) lets you install your favorite desktop with a small set of apps, as before.
3. Special Editions with no changes (so far) with Openbox, as before.

It lets me to find a little much time to make and focus on new Sparky releases better than before.

So, to conclude and make it clean and straight:
1. From now, only one main, Openbox based desktop: LXQt (rolling) or LXDE (stable)
2. MinimalGUI (Openbox)/MinimalCLI (text based) lets you install your favorite desktop with a small set of apps, as before.
3. Special Editions with no changes (so far) with Openbox, as before.

Personally I would like XFCE, but it is pavroo's decision. This is the right way to focus energy on the only one desktop in aim to develop a better Sparky.
Good Luck Pavroo.

Yesterday I made a test for migration gradually from my XFCE desktop to LXDE.I use LightDM as X manager. I installed LXDE Desktop from Aptus. Everything was fine, but I did not noticed LXDE entry on my start LighDM screen.I left my problem unsolved yesterday.Need to search a little bit on google.

Can you make a short guide for different desktops and X ManagersHOWTO to migrate to LXDE ?

another solution is proposed by Capitain_Jack


as follow:
Yes I do my friend! At the beginning we want linux and we want it all right?! than you haven't read what the installer states before starting, and your problem was surely the same home directory for all of them, and that do not work well. Try creating a new user and setup his default session, but I strongly recommend you uninstall everything else to "clean the mess"


Missing dependency.
Upgrade 'sparky-desktop-lxde' package to the today's version to fix it.
Nothing is easy as it looks. Danielle Steel


Quote from: pavroo on April 08, 2018, 12:28:45 PM
Missing dependency.
Upgrade 'sparky-desktop-lxde' package to the today's version to fix it.

Tried and function correctly, but.... XFCE is the right desktop for me.

Thanks pavroo.


Quote from: seppalta on April 09, 2018, 10:49:47 PM
Have a look at:  http://lxlinux.com/xfce4openbox.html.

I had a look yesterday to your OpenBox Linux site. And have a plan to look exactly on it ....today.

Thank you very much wise man.

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